Let's take a look at how Metabolism & Energy Superblend can help you regain your health and get you back on track. We won't just spout on about how amazing our Superblend is, although we do like to shout from the roof tops about how great it is, we will really take a deep dive into the facts and clinical research behind why it works so well and what it can do for you.
First things first, what do we all want from life? We are pretty sure we all want to live long, happy, joy filled lives. We can only do this if we feel great in both our body and our minds. As we age, achieving a feeling of wellbeing gets harder and harder to reach. It can become a battle just to work, socialise, look after ourselves and our families and somewhere in there we are expected to practice some self-care, not many of us can do all this and still feel great at the end of the day, mostly we just feel tired and burnt out. There are a few reasons feeling great becomes harder to achieve as we age, and hormonal changes are one of them.
Changes in our hormone levels as we travel through the many phases of our lives, such as perimenopause or menopause, can really knock us sideways. It can really impact our health on a day-to-day basis.
Thinning hair, poor skin condition, zero energy, increased weight gain, poor sleep, gut issues, dizziness, period issues, hot flashes and brain fog, tiredness, are all common symptoms for women of a certain age and let's be honest this list could go on and on.
As women, we often feel like we get a raw deal, and to be fair we do in many ways.
Starting periods, experiencing gynecological issues and surgery, pregnancy and childbirth. Physical trauma from childbirth, infertility issues, weight gain and related health issues, perimenopause, menopause and autoimmune issues are just some of the issues we women face as we transition through the different stages of our lives. When you look at it like this it's easy to see why we feel we do get the raw deal when it comes to health and wellbeing.
Hormonal changes bring with them a whole host of issues and one of the most common ones is changes in our weight.
Women of a certain age find it more difficult to lose those extra kilos that have been creeping on. Evidence suggests that hormonal changes and unhealthy habits can contribute to that all too familiar and unwanted weight gain.
For many women losing weight is not as straightforward as eating less and exercising more, hormone and health issues can really impact any attempts at losing weight and leave you feeling defeated and frustrated.
You have probably tried everything but yet you are still unable to shift the weight and boost your metabolism. Many women will share this pain with you. You have tried so many diets and the next trending weight loss pill with the promise of shedding 10 kilos or more, but you lose nothing.
As you are reading this, we can hear you say, yes this is me!
People might tell you to just stop eating junk, instead eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise, this is all that is needed to get you back to a healthy weight. All the while this is what you have been doing for months and still the scales will not budge.
There will be many reasons why you are struggling to lose that excess weight and why the synthetic products and diets you have tried have not worked, a lot of the time these products are not scientifically sound, and they are created without regulation, but hook you in on empty promises with their eye-catching brand or outlandish claims.
What if you started afresh, if you took it back to basics, used an all-natural approach whereby you continued with your healthy diet and exercise regime but looked at what your body might be missing and replenished that through natural supplementation, this could be the boost your body needs.
Once your metabolism and body are adequately supported, and your blood sugars are balanced, hormones can start to regulate, and your body can begin the become the efficient machine it is meant to be. You will burn calories more efficiently, feel an increase in energy and begin to lose weight, life will become infinitely easier and more enjoyable.
Your metabolism is a clever little biochemical process by which the body changes food and drink into energy to control literally everything you do; hormone regulation, repair of cells, temperature control, and burning of fat are just a few things our mighty metabolism does for us.
Sometimes, especially as we start to age, develop hormonal imbalance, autoimmune issues, lose muscle mass and experience periods of stress, our metabolism does not work as efficiently as it should. Autoimmune issues such as hypothyroidism and hormonal fluctuations seen during perimenopause and menopause can really affect how well our metabolism works.
Although there is a plethora of information out there on hormonal, perimenopause and menopause health, historically it's been hugely understudied and under-represented area in health research when it comes to diet and lifestyle.
We (Sarah & Jules) have not sailed through the years bypassing all these health struggles we have talked about, far from it. We have been through it all, periods, pregnancy, hormonal issues, weight issues, autoimmune and thyroid issues, perimenopause and menopause and yet we have come out the other side, far more knowledgeable, having tried everything and researched everything and now with a great drive to help other women get on the road to feeling great too.
Just because we grow older, should not mean we should lose our vitality, zest for life, energy and good health.
When you are suffering the symptoms of poor health or hormonal imbalance, you do wonder if you will ever feel human and well again. We can tell you firsthand, you absolutely will!
We started by removing certain ingredients or foods from certain food groups like, gluten, sugar, grains and some dairy items in our diet, by the process of elimination we realised what foods our bodies loved and what foods made our body unhappy.
It's interesting to note that certain foods or groups can wreak havoc on our health but it's not until you start to eliminate them from your diet that you start to notice how your health improves. These changes can take time and it might take weeks before a change in diet starts to show in health terms.
Exercise became important to us, nothing overly strenuous because as we age high impact exercise can really raise cortisol levels and this can impact where we store fat especially during perimenopause and menopause, where we are more likely to store fat around our middle section. Simple things like a daily walk for 30 minutes or more, yoga and Pilates have made all the difference. Light to moderate resistance exercise is also great because it helps you retain muscle; we lose muscle as we age, and this lack of muscle also impacts our metabolism.
Adopting a healthy diet and exercise regime is one way to overhaul your lifestyle however, as we age, diet and exercise alone is often not able to fully support optimal health for body and mind, and for many women supplements are required to help you function at full capacity and feel alive again. Once we overhauled our diet and lifestyle, we turned our attention to the supplements we were taking, we took a long hard look at the ingredients and dose of the supplements we used and once we fully researched these, many went into the garbage.
The lack a good clean supplement that contained ingredients at therapeutic doses was what led us to create Pure Goddess and our first product Metabolism & Energy Superblend. Many supplements do not contain ingredients that are at the right dose to make a difference to your health, or the ingredients need to be combined with certain other ingredients to fully get the benefits stated.
Our long health Journy's brought us to where we are today with a great product that works, without the need to take twenty different supplements to get the same effect. One that is clean, totally natural and without added nasties. Listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods with excellent clinical research studies to back up every ingredient that has been thoughtfully added to our Superblend.
We have carefully researched and selected 11 powerful natural ingredients to include in our Superblend. These scientifically backed ingredients were carefully researched and chosen for their overall benefits and effectiveness and added at therapeutic levels. Meaning the dose of each ingredient is at a level proven by science to work.
Our hero ingredient Glucomannan
This amazing ingredient is a natural powerhouse with endless benefits to shout about. Glucomannan is an all-natural soluble plant fiber that comes from the root of the Konjac plant.
This fabulous ingredient has been shown in numerous studies to aid weight loss and has been subject to extensive and rigorous scientific research. It has properties that not only help with weight loss. Studies have shown that if Glucomannan is taken at around the dosage of 3 grams per day then weight loss of up to 5 kgs can be achieved in 5-6 weeks. Our Superblend contains 3 grams of Glucomannan per daily dose.
This very clever ingredient has properties that not only help with weight loss, but it also assists with a number of other health conditions ranging from cholesterol management to appetite control, blood sugar control, curbing cravings and more.
Glucomannan gently and slowly expands in your stomach. This ingredient is showcased in many scientific studies to reduce food cravings. Once in your stomach it expands and pushes against the walls of your stomach, this results in signals being sent to your brain receptors to tell you that you have eaten enough, and you are full. It also slows down gastric emptying, so literally slowing down how quickly you absorb and digest food, this then stems your appetite and stops you wanting to snack and overeat.
The slowing down of food absorption and gastric emptying means your body has more time to utilse the nutrients passing through and this is one of the reasons Glucomannan when taken regularly can enhance a feeling of wellness because your body is being far more efficient at keeping old of good nutrients.
The action of slowing gastric emptying that Metabolism & Energy Superblend enables when taken regularly, is very similar to the benefit of slowed gastric emptying that people get when taking Ozempic for weight loss.
Food cravings are often linked to imbalances within our bodies, such as inflammation, a dip in blood sugar levels, shifting hormone levels, stress, and poor diet.
For many women, the odd cheese and biscuits late at night or reaching for the chocolates to satisfy that late night craving can become a hard habit to break. It often becomes part of the daily routine and before you know it, the kilos are piling on, but you don't know how to break that cycle.
A well-researched way to stop food cravings is to work on your gut, a healthy gut is less likely to crave unhealthy food. Glucomannan promotes growth of healthy gut bacteria by acting as a prebiotic. Healthy gut bacteria drive the regulation and management of many body functions including, immune function, metabolism and nutrition to name a few.
By using daily supplements containing Glucomannan and increasing the good bacteria, this will help you improve your overall health and make your weight loss efforts more productive. We know, for instance, that it is easier for people to lose weight when they have a healthy and diverse microbiome.
Blood Glucose (blood sugar) is the fuel that your body needs to function, maintain a healthy body weight and sustained energy levels. While blood sugar metabolism is influenced by a number of genetic and environmental factors, a growing level of evidence suggests that hormonal changes during menopause can negatively impact blood sugar levels.
When your blood sugar levels are low, the cells in your body aren’t receiving enough energy to function. As a result, you will have a blood sugar crash and experience headaches, the jitters/shakes, fatigue and loss of concentration.
Many women suffer the 2-3pm afternoon slump, where you feel like you could just curl up under your office desk and take a nap, or you may crave a sugary cake or espresso to get you through the rest of the day. That afternoon drop in energy levels is usually caused by a dive in blood sugars and can sabotage any weight loss efforts because the body cannot burn fat efficiently.
The symptoms of a blood sugar crash will leave you feeling absolutely awful. Aside from this, constant spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels have been linked to a myriad of health issues, which include inflammation, being overweight, insulin resistant, diabetes, heart disease and surprisingly there is a link between unbalanced blood sugars and accelerated aging.
Five of the ingredients in Metabolism and Energy Superblend can help support healthy blood sugars so you don't have that mid afternoon slump. Two Sachets spread out throughout the day will support healthy blood and glucose levels, leaving you with sustained energy, less likely to have an energy crash, less likely to snack due to energy crashes, and less chance of mood swings due to unbalanced blood sugars, the benefits of taking our Superblend are too good to ignore.

All the ingredients in our Superblend could be called hero ingredients because they were specifically chosen for their amazing properties and benefits. Chromium picolinate is a well-known supplement that many people consume as a complementary addition to their diet and lifestyle for managing blood sugar levels, lowering increased cholesterol levels, or to lose weight.
Chromium is included in our Superblend because a number of clinical studies have indicated that taking chromium supplements can improve blood sugar management and help to lower insulin while improving the body’s response to insulin. Insulin resistance is a very common complaint in women over the age of 40 who are overweight and is often the common denominator in a cluster of cardiovascular disease risk factors.
Several studies have now demonstrated that chromium supplements enhance the metabolic action of insulin and lower some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, particularly in overweight individuals. Chromium as also been shown in several studies to help the body maintain lean body mass as you lose weight, this is especially important because as we age, we lose lean body mass so using a supplement that supports against the loss of muscle is essential in the fight against weight gain.
This scientific review established that chromium, an essential mineral, appears to have a beneficial role not just in the regulation of insulin, but it enhances the body’s metabolic rate, reduces feelings of hunger, and promotes conversion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy which is vital for the body to fire on all cylinders. This clever conversion process is a secret weapon in weight reduction.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia)
Cinnamon is a well-documented global anti-diabetic and antioxidant spice used in many different cultures, for many beneficial reasons. It is a well-researched ingredient with amazing beneficial properties, and this is why it made the Superblend ingredient list.
Cinnamon is said to increase insulin sensitivity, boost metabolism and decrease and control blood sugar levels - all key components for improving health from the inside out.
Scientifically it is known as Cinnamomum cassia and is derived from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree. The distinct aroma of cinnamon is from the oil from the leaves or bark of the cinnamon tree. Comprised of phytochemicals and the compound cinnamaldehyde, scientists believe that this compound is responsible for most of cinnamon’s powerful effects on health and metabolism.
Cinnamon is literally fully loaded with antioxidants that protects the body from damage from oxidative stress from free radicals. Research suggests that using Cinnamon in or as a supplement has the capacity to significantly increase antioxidant levels in the blood whilst simultaneously reducing levels of inflammation markers. When we talk about inflammation as older women, we are often talking about it when it is usually causing health problems.
Cinnamon has been linked in a number of research studies to have a positive influence on improving sensitivity to insulin.
It is well known that Insulin is a key hormone involved in the regulation of our metabolism and energy use in the body and for the transportation of blood sugar through your bloodstream to vital cells. Many women become resistant to the effects of insulin and go on to develop diabetes related health issues. Studies have identified that cinnamon may be able to assist in the reduction of insulin resistance.
Metabolism and Energy Superlend contains a healthy dose of this miracle ingredient, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia extract).
Green Tea Extract (Camellia Sinensis)
Green tea is not only a delicious beverage but a welcome addition to your diet and lifestyle.
Research suggests that using a green tea extract enhances your immune system, boosts your metabolism, increases blood flow and houses anti-ageing properties whilst naturally boosting serotonin and dopamine levels, therefore reducing stress and anxiety.
Supplements containing green tea extract are often used in aiding weight loss or helping with weight management based on its natural stimulating effects. Green tea is also known for its outstanding antioxidant capabilities and helps enhance the number of antioxidants (catechins) in your bloodstream.
Green tea extract contains bio-activated substances like caffeine and EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a unique natural plant compound that can aid reduction of inflammation in the body and aid weight loss, which can help boost your metabolism and break down those all-important fat cells. Fortunately, it is one of our key ingredients in Metabolism and Energy Superblend!

A great fat burner, trusted sources repeatedly report that using green tea extract is linked to boosting fat burning capability especially during exercise. A 2004 study determined that tea catechins increased fat burning, both during exercise and rest. So green tea extract when taken in a supplement really activates those fat burning abilities of the body.
Metabolism & Energy Superblend contains 25 mg of green tea extract per sachet, so our Superblend does contain some caffeine, to put the amount into perspective, a regular cup of coffee contains around 80mg of caffeine.
You can't have a wellness company where both founders suffer from thyroid issues and not include ingredients that support thyroid function. This is exactly why we added Tyrosine to our blend, supporting the thyroid is enormously important because the thyroid helps drive so many functions in our body least of all metabolism. It is thought that by the time women reach menopause around 70% will have a borderline underactive thyroid.
An amino acid, the building blocks of protein and a crucial molecule commonly found in products such as gym enhancers or pre-workout supplements.
Tyrosine is also required in the creation of the hormone thyroxine. Thyroxine is the main secreted hormone in the thyroid gland. This gland is responsible for metabolism regulation, weight loss and increased energy levels.
Thyroxine is also involved in helping to stabalise your mood, brain function and regulation of your metabolism. Supporting the production of the thyroid hormones can result in an increased metabolism, boosted weight loss and enhanced energy levels.
Tyrosine for boosting brain power
Tyrosine is known as a non-essential amino acid which the body is able to produce from another well-known amino acid called, phenylalanine and is an essential component for the production and maintenance of neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain, the ‘flight or fight response hormones, when in times of stress these hormones leap into action, Dopamine, Epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Tyrosine helps your body to conserve energy for when the body needs it to boost levels of these hormones.
Potassium Iodide (Iodine)
Potassium Iodide is a trace mineral that plays a crucial role in the production of thyroid hormones. A well supported thyroid means a healthy active metabolism and increased energy. A healthy intake of iodine also helps to improve mood and brain focus, it can also assist with reversing the effects of a slowing metabolism, as it can help your body make more thyroid hormones.
Iodine is another thyroid hormone regulator, and a vital component of thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
B Vitamins
We have included a range of B vitamins in our Superblend, Thiamine B1, Riboflavin B2, Mecobalamin B12.
B vitamins are known as essential vitamins required for a fully functioning active metabolism, healthy body weight, energy production, cognition and nervous system function. All B vitamins are able to help the body process and break down carbohydrates into glucose, which is used to produce energy for function.
They work in synergy and although are not biochemically related, referring to them as a ‘B group’ of vitamins makes complete sense as they often are used together in the same food or supplements, and are water soluble, which in essence means it is excreted in urine, but it doesn't mean that the body does not experience their effects before passing through.
Thiamine B1
Thiamine was the first B vitamin that scientists discovered.
Its most important function is its valid contribution to cellular energy metabolism. It is also a vital cofactor in the process of breaking down carbohydrates by providing energy to the body's nerve cells, such as the brain.
Riboflavin B2
Is known for its antioxidant properties. It helps to defend against harmful free radicals (a rogue atom in the body that can damage cells) in the body and affect things like the ageing process or the heart and disease.
Including Riboflavin in our blend will help you fight these free radicals to repair and prevent the damage they created.
Mecobalamin B12
A key member of the B group of vitamins that is responsible for keeping many aspects of health in tip top condition. It helps your body’s nerve cells and blood cells stay nice and healthy. Vitamin B12 is an effective tool in preventing anemia, a blood condition that makes people feel constantly fatigued. By using Vitamin B12 in a supplement it can help enhance energy levels and mood.
We hope this little blog post discussing why we founded Pure Goddess and why we created and included certain ingredients in our first Supplement helps you understand our 'why' and the reason we are so passionate about our Superblend. We know you will love Metabolism & Energy Superblend as much as we do.
Our powerhouse of a Superblend which includes all the above natural ingredients will pack a powerful punch in the fight to enhance calorie burning, promotes weight loss, curbs cravings, helps manage blood sugars and increase energy levels.
Grab your supply now and receive FREE Australia wide shipping!
* Disclaimer: This blog post is based on the research articles linked in the copy. There are also thoughts and analysis that are the authors own. This information should not be used to replace information given to you by your Health care provider or GP. Metabolism & Energy Superblend is listed on the ARTG and should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and increased physical activity. For Adults Only. Not suitable while pregnant or breastfeeding.
1 comment
Hi There.
I do have an interactive thyroid and currently on levothyroxin. Can I take you supplement and still continue with the thyroid medication?
Thanusha Padayachee
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