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3 Day Sugar Detox Challenge Starts August 5th-7th! Get Ready To TRANSFORM your health, energy & wellness and rid yourself of those sugar cravings!

Our Sugar Detox challenge is completely FREE. Get FULL and INSTANT access to all our health professional created recipes, tailored meal plans, shopping lists and self care advice created to help you lose the food noise, reduce the cravings for sugar and increase your energy and vitality.  

Your body is naturally skilled at eliminating toxins through its continuous detoxification processes, so no extreme interventions are needed to enhance this capability. Our detox is a gentle, food-based reset—a "no-tox" approach to help you get your health back on track so you feel fabulous and glow like a goddess.


Join Jules and Sarah from 5th-7th August when they will be completing the sugar detox with you, they will be there to guide you through it, support you and answer any questions you might have, plus it will be fun to do this all together as a community!


  • FREE 3 Day Sugar Detox 46 page EBook. 
  • Learn what to look out for when it comes to hidden sugars in our diet
  • Understand the impact of sugar on your health and wellbeing
  • 3 Full days of meals and recipes
  • Full shopping lists to help you get ready
  • Access to the Pure Goddess private Facebook group
  • Live videos from Jules & Sarah joining you on this detox journey
  • Support from the Pure Goddess Team to help you stay motivated and on track
  • A women’s health detox created by women for women.

What happens when you join

Click the link below to join, our 3 Day Sugar Detox Challenge is absolutely free, you will not be asked for any payment details. You will receive an email from us with a link to give INSTANT ACCESS to our 46 downloadable EBook and a link to join our private supportive Pure Goddess Facebook Group. 

Jules & Sarah will guide you through this detox, ensuring you are supported and motivated to stay on track, kick the sugar habit, rid yourself of the bloating, increase your energy and even lose weight!

Pure Goddess was created to help women feel good not only through losing weight and their physical health but also their confidence and mental health. We believe all women should feel amazing, energetic, fit and happy.

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