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Weight Loss after Pregnancy

Losing weight after having a baby is never an easy ride. When you want to lose weight post pregnancy there’s so much you should know, and you don’t want to rush anything. Your body is a temple, you have spent months growing and feeding a baby and the extra weight that your body is carrying needs to be lost in a slow safe way. 

When can I start to safely lose weight after giving birth?

When you bring life into the world, a ‘new you’ is born too. This may be with stretch marks, extra weight, love handles or boobs that are the size of melons, but be proud of the new you!

It is important to embrace the new you as it is so powerful to realise what an important job you have done growing your tiny human, your body has nurtured them for a long period of time. 

If you have had an uncomplicated vaginal birth then you can start gently exercising within weeks of giving birth. If you have had complications or a caesarean section then you should wait until your Doctor gives you the all clear to exercise. 



Set realistic post pregnancy weight loss goals

Some women find losing weight after having a baby relatively easy and love their new postpartum body, however so many women feel  unhappy about their new body and are often in a desperate rush to drop the weight as soon as possible, sometimes putting their own health on the line.

Extreme dieting is not recommended after having a baby especially if you are breastfeeding. Set yourself realistic, achievable goals such as looking at what you can change in your diet, taking out any unhealthy sugar laden foods or alcohol.

With the recent media attention for the weight loss injections that have taken the world by storm, it's no surprise that women who feel desperate are turning to this more invasive way of losing weight. 

You need to be aware that with the amazing weight loss that is reported, there is a whole heap of unwanted side effects that can be quite debilitating. Fortunately there are natural alternatives out there. Our metabolism and energy superblend is an all natural alternative to weight loss injections and shares the same benefits. 

Look at aiming to lose around 500 grams per week at the most and remember, it took 9 months to gain the weight, on average it takes 12 months or more for a woman’s body to return to its pre-pregnancy state after having a baby. 

Adopt a healthy balanced diet and exercise. Make healthy swaps with food ingredients and play around with meal ideas. 

If you suffer with unhealthy food cravings and don't know how to stop the vicious cycle, we can help you turn things around, read how here in our food cravings blog. 

Boosting your metabolism is essential for burning fat and weight loss. Often if we adopt a poor diet then our metabolism becomes dormant and sluggish. Taking an all natural supplement can help to give your metabolism the kick start it needs. 

Remember every woman is different, do not beat yourself up if you are not losing the weight as quickly as someone else you know. Our uniqueness means our bodies lose weight at different rates and respond differently to diet and exercise. 

Can I diet when Breastfeeding?

The rule of thumb with regards to dieting and breastfeeding is that to remain healthy and to still be able to take in the right amount of nutrients, no more than 500 grams a week should be lost. This ensures that your body is still getting everything it requires and passes this on to nourish your baby via breastfeeding. 

Breastfeeding can also help with weight loss, many women report losing some of their pregnancy weight while breastfeeding. This happens because your body utilises fat and energy to be able to feed your baby. 

On the flip side your body uses more energy when breastfeeding and this can make you feel more hungry. To ensure this does not sabotage your weight loss goals choose healthy foods over processed or sugar rich foods. 

Visualise your weight loss Goal

To get to where you really want to be you have to know how you are going to get there. Picture yourself at your ideal weight, save photographs of your favourite celebrities who you believe have the ideal body weight. Look at these images daily or whenever you feel like hitting the cookie jar. 

Think about what you will feel when you hit your ideal weight, will this make you feel happy and content, do you picture yourself going shopping and buying those jeans or that dress that you can’t currently fit into? 

Have a visual plan of how you are going to reach your goal. What kind of exercise do you like? would you like to try a new exercise? Joining an exercise group for postpartum mums can be a great way of being kept accountable for your goals. What kind of diet do you see yourself eating? Save healthy recipes, take stock of your fridge and pantry, do they need an overhaul to fit in with your healthy eating plan? 

Adding fibre to your diet can help you to not only feel full but it can give your weight loss a boost. 


Exercise after Pregnancy

One of the easiest exercises to do after having a baby is going for a daily walk. Walking is fantastic once you have a baby because you do not need anyone to babysit, you can pop the baby in the pram and off you both go. Walking is not only great for weight loss and maintaining your health but it is also fantastic for your mental health. As a new mum things can sometimes feel like they are getting on top of you, putting your sneakers on and putting baby in the pram to go for a brisk walk almost always helps you feel better and clears the mind. 

You do not have to walk far the first few times, give yourself time to build up stamina, you can increase the length and/or speed of your walk every few days as your body gets used to it. 

Weight lifting is another great way to tone muscles and lose weight, make sure you have clearance from your doctor before you start lifting any heavy weights. The more you can tone and build your muscles the more you will lose weight, the more muscle we have the more our metabolism increases. 

Yoga or Pilates are fabulous for getting back in shape after having a baby, there are lots of post pregnancy classes around. They are also great for getting your pelvic floor muscles back up to speed after giving birth. 



What Should I eat after having a baby?

Once again no woman is the same, what works for one may not work for another. Your body may respond really well to a low carb diet or keto while your friend's body may respond better to a calorie counting type diet. 

A low carb Keto type diet can work really well for some women but remember this is an extremely restrictive diet, the recommended daily carbohydrate allowance is around 20-50 grams, this can be difficult to achieve for many women and men when you think a single banana equals 20 grams of carbs! 

Eating  low sugar, reasonably low carb and cutting down on alcohol is all most women will have to do to lose weight. Swap out sugary snacks for a little bit of fruit or a protein ball etc. Make informed choices about your food, cut down on take-aways and meal plan so that there is less chance of eating the wrong things if you have the right foods in the fridge and cupboard. 


Can drinking water really help me lose weight?

Drink lots of water, we bet this isn’t the first time you have heard this! 

There is an abundance of evidence out there to show that drinking plenty of water really is the best thing you can do for you and your body. Good water intake will drench the body from the inside, preventing dehydration and helping keep hunger pangs at bay. Sometimes when we think we feel hungry what we are really feeling is thirsty. Aim to drink 2 litres plus per day, this doesn't have to be water it can be things like herbal teas also. An adequate water intake  will give you glowing skin and a cleansed system and leave you feeling fresh and energised. 


Lower Stress Levels can Help with Weight Loss

Women are at the mercy of their hormones and post birth is a great upheaval for women where hormones are concerned. We are very sensitive to cortisol fluctuations, cortisol is our ‘stress hormone’, when you are feeling exhausted or stressed this little hormone is one of the causes of that anxious stressed feeling as it fluctuates up and down. 

When cortisol levels remain elevated (during times of stress) it can lead to health issues such as inflammation, anxiety and of course weight gain and for women this weight gain tends to be around the tummy and thighs area. 

The good news is that you can make small lifestyle changes to help lower your cortisol levels. Things like making sure you get enough sleep, we understand this is so difficult when you have a new baby or young children but the old adage ‘sleep when baby sleeps’ is very true, prioritise sleep over washing the dishes or cleaning the house, if baby is asleep then you should try to catch a quick nap also.

Practicing mindfulness or meditation is also a great way to reduce stress levels, breathing exercises also help. There are so many great apps or videos available online now that can coach you through a short meditation session or teach you breathing techniques. It really is worth taking that five minutes out of your day to give it a go. 

Also diet and exercise as we have already mentioned in this article really help stress levels, a good healthy diet, with plenty of good fats and protein really help keep cortisol levels in check as does a regular walk in the fresh air. 

All in all there is no one way or right way to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight, it takes time and dedication to the goal you set for yourself. Remember this isn't just about weight loss, by making many of these diet and lifestyle changes above you will find you not only look healthier but you will feel healthier and shouldn't that be the main goal? 


Note: Always consult your Doctor or dedicated Healthcare Professional before commencing a new diet or exercise program. 

1 comment

Really interesting post!

Blair Smith

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